select * from ( select last_name as "Lastname", first_name as "Firstname", TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, DATE(CONCAT(demo.year_of_birth , "-", demo.month_of_birth, "-", demo.date_of_birth)), NOW()) as "Age", CONCAT( "",demographic_no,"" ) AS "eChart" , (select MAX(a.appointment_date) from appointment a where a.demographic_no=demo.demographic_no and a.status LIKE '%B%') as "Last appointment", (select IF((select MAX(a1. appointment_date) from appointment a1 where a1.demographic_no=demo.demographic_no and a1.status LIKE '%B%')>DATE("2020-03-15"), "*", "")) as seen, (select MIN(a.appointment_date) from appointment a where a.demographic_no=demo.demographic_no and a.status NOT LIKE '%C%' and a.status NOT LIKE '%X%' AND a.appointment_date>NOW()) as "Next appointment", as "Phone", (select value FROM demographicExt WHERE demographic_no=demo.demographic_no AND key_val="demo_cell" limit 1) as "Cell", as "Email" FROM demographic demo WHERE demo.patient_status='AC' AND demo.provider_no LIKE {provider} AND ( (("{last_seen}"="")) OR (("{last_seen}"!="") AND (select MAX(a1.appointment_date) from appointment a1 where a1.demographic_no=demo.demographic_no and a1.status LIKE '%B%')= 0{age_g}) OR ("{age_g}"="" AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, DATE(CONCAT(demo.year_of_birth , "-", demo.month_of_birth, "-", demo.date_of_birth)), NOW()) >= 80) ) AND( ("{age_l}"!="" AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, DATE(CONCAT(demo.year_of_birth , "-", demo.month_of_birth, "-", demo.date_of_birth)), NOW()) < 0{age_l}) OR ("{age_l}"="") ) #check if impossible age AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, DATE(CONCAT(demo.year_of_birth , "-", demo.month_of_birth, "-", demo.date_of_birth)), NOW()) < 110 AND( # diagnoses check ("{dx_code}" = "") OR ( ("{dx_code}" != "") AND exists (select dxresearch_no from dxresearch where dxresearch.demographic_no = demo.demographic_no and dxresearch.status='A' and dxresearch.dxresearch_code in (0{dx_code})) ) OR ( ("{dx_code}" != "") AND exists (select from billing_on_item bd, billing_on_cheader1 b where b.demographic_no = demo.demographic_no and = bd.ch1_id and b.status <> 'D' AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, DATE(bd.service_date), NOW()) <=2 AND bd.dx in (0{dx_code})) ) ) order by (case when '{sort}' = 'last_name' then demo.last_name end) asc, (case when '{sort}' = 'age' then DATE(CONCAT(demo.year_of_birth, "-", demo.month_of_birth, "-", demo.date_of_birth)) end) asc ) as t1 where seen LIKE "{seen}"; select "'%'" as provider_no, 'All Providers' as provider union select provider_no, CONCAT(last_name,', ',first_name, ' (',provider_no,')' ) from provider WHERE status='1' AND provider_type='doctor' AND ohip_no>1 ORDER BY provider; Billed OHIP Not Billed OHIP ALL Last Name Age